Well let's start out with me saying that "Yes I am guilty." Of what, you may ask? This morning was amazing It was our first fuelchurch.tv service in the Civic Center. God is truly blessing us. Shane had a small quite time for all of us who are serving, and I am so incredibly grateful. God spoke to me very clearly during this time.
Shane spoke and read Genesis 18:1-14
Is anything too hard for the Lord? NO
Ok automatically almost everyone says NO! (Sunday school answer)
Ok the real answer and back to my guiltiness, We automatically want to and probably do honestly agree with saying NO! But I know that I am incredibly guilty of living my life (our real answer) in a matter that totally limits God and point blank tells him that these things that I am worried or concerned or distraught about are entirely TOO BIG for you. And that I say that I believe that nothing is too hard for you, but this thing that I have here is different you might not be able to tackle this one.
Don't forget we have our services on iTunes via Podcast so if you want to hear more about the things that God is doing @ fuel then check it out, IT'S FREE!!