well I think that it is much more than "golden" it is very hard to do and wonderful @ the same time. It's like this thing that I chase but it is so hard to capture and then when I do it's gone too quickly. Psalms 62 talks about sitting in silence and letting God be my salvation. If only I could rely on that everyday and make that a priority in my life. I am so busy all the time video, music, computers, internet, cell phones, emails, text messages, work, appointments, driving, traffic, money, bills, wow the list could go on.
My good friend Matt Duke just told me about a new book this week. I just ordered it off of Amazon. It's called Crazy Love by Francis Chan. I read a couple of pages from his copy. Chan talks about being quiet before God. Wow that is so hard for me to do. I am really excited to read it. I think it will give me some insight on how Christ really wants us to live. I know that I should read Christ's word to us, but sometimes (most of the time) it confuses me or I get distracted. I can understand a lot more when I have someone put it in perspective for me. I definitely think that silence is some thing that I need to work on.
My wife lost a sister last week, I think that is one of the reasons that I am feeling such silence today. She talks a little about it on her blog. I think that it is just now hitting me, I really hope that she can become closer to some of her family.
Anyway guess this post is kinda randoms thoughts collected together for today. Hope you all have a good week.